La maison d’horlogerie

Mr. Sobhi Thomas (The Father) founded his company specialized in watches and he opened his first boutique in 1937.

THOMAS Since 1937

Our history since 1937

Mr. Sobhi Thomas ( the Father) founded his company specialized in watches and he opened his first boutique in 1937. It has a great history because he was one of the first to launch the watches luxury segment by acquiring the Zenith Swiss watches agency in Egypt at that time.. Curiously, the watch business as such developed all around this area and the boutique of late Sobhi Thomas became the center of the watch trading activity in Cairo.
In addition he was known as one of the leading companies that succeeded in obtaining a refined collection of watches in Egypt.
Seven decades elapsed, Sobhi Thomas passed away, but his heirs are considered as one of the most powerful and famous retail and wholesale group in the Egyptian Market specialized in this activity,
Thomas Trade is one of the leaders company on the watches and accessories business in Egypt long time ago.

We are very proud of our company’s history, which began when Sobhi Thomas (the father) started, and thanks to his rich heritage that we have been and still the famous in the watch business.


Our slogan is "For People Who Appreciate Value" so one of our mission is to change people thinking about fashion by delivering premium watches brands and accessories with a good quality, value and with reasonable prices.

Our mission and focus is to show the brand in a good and presentable image.

We will focus also on the management which, will rely always on the customer feedback, suggestions and sales reports. That will help us to satisfy the customer's needs and wants.


To introduce the amazing products that the brand presents to the Egyptian customer and our company's objectives have been always the satisfaction of its clientele needs. The satisfaction is reached through the professional team which is divided into marketing, administration, financial , sales team and the after sales service.


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